Live from Master Closet Studios, you’re listening to the only podcast on the internet hosted by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future: Noobs and the Whovian
My name is Austin and I’m the Whovian, and these are my sons Corbin, Tripp, and we’re the noobs!
This is the podcast that introduces a whole new generation to Doctor Who by watching an episode each week and discussing it from the perspective of a dad who’s seen it before, and two sons who haven’t. Except, this week, we aren’t!
Welcome to episode 81, our Timey Wimey #10 covering A Christmas Carol.
Super-short Recap
This is the one where Captain Picard hallucinates about some ghosts and learns the true meaning of Christmas, and how to laugh the weirdest laugh possible.
The end.
- This is also the one where Churchill danced with a Slitheen!
- Mrs. Fezziwig – Annette Badland
- Played Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen!
- Mr. Fezziwig – Ian McNiece
- Played Churchill
- Bob Cratchit – Richard E. Grant
- Plays Dr. Simeon next season
Random stuff we noticed
- This was a made-for-tv movie from TNT.
- Fred’s narration at the end says, “And as for Tim, who did not die, he was like a second father.”
- So, Scrooge learned the secret of Christmas AND immortality, apparently.
Time travel details:
- Magic! Er… death? Er… Christmas?
- Actually, this is not exactly time travel.
- Christmas Past said these were merely shadows of things which have been. They couldn’t interact.
- The same seems to hold true for Present, though it’s not said.
- It seems that the scenes of the future are shadows of what may come to pass only. Scrooge says they will be changed.
- They can’t interact with or change anything in the past or present.
- The rules about the future are unclear. He begs the spirit to tell him if the things can be changed or not.
- He realizes that the spirit wouldn’t have bothered showing him all this if he couldn’t change anything. That’s what motivates him to change.
Did they follow their own rules?
Things they got Wrong
- In present, they walked through walls.
- However, as Corbin pointed out, they walked through the wall but stood on the couch.
- They also made a weird noise when they walked through the piano.
Was it good?
Was it a good story?
- Tripp -no
- Corbin – thumbs up
- Austin – thumbs way up
Was it a good time travel story?
- Tripp – yes?
- Corbin – no
- Austin – no
Creep Factor?
- Tripp -320
- Corbin – 275
- Austin – 375
Listener Input
- Thomas, our Twitter instigator, wrote the following:
- The Doctor’s Wife is one of my all-time favorites. I love the chemistry between the Doctor and Idris. It feels like a proper relationship. Matt and Suranne sell the relationship and they are a great double act. The TARDIS has been his constant companion. No matter who comes and goes, she’ll always be there.
- Unfortunately, I didn’t like the subplot of Amy and Rory running around the TARDIS while House is trying to kill them.
- My problem with the B plot is that I don’t like all the running around (which is in every episode, I suppose)
- What redeems the episode for me are the final scenes – the Doctor confronting House and Idris saying goodbye/hello. My first reaction to Doc telling House he killed all the Time-Lords was WOAH! It’s one of my favorite all-time lines, Just the sass and attitude, I It!
- Cheers! 🙂
The Game Plan
- Next week, we’re straight back into Series 6 with episodes 5 & 6 The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People.
Noobs and the Whovian is a production of Master Closet Studios, where it’s always smaller on the inside. Your Senior Producer is Austin Reason. Our Audio Engineer is Tripp Reason. Corbin Reason is our Production Editor. Special thanks to for the trivia, Jared for the Classic Who Connection. Shout outs to Victor and Jared for their Patreon support.
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